After investing your time in writing your book, you need to give your book cover design an equal amount of attention. This is not to say you should spend several months or years deciding on what elements to include. However, you should put some thought into what type of design will grab the attention of potential readers.
The first impression you make with your readers is through your book cover art. Your cover should stand out and intrigue readers to want to find out more about your book. For self-publishers, this means ensuring your eBook cover and related design elements are on point. You only have about three seconds to get the attention of readers when they are shopping for books to read online.
The five important elements you should evaluate include:
The Book Title: Does your book title reflect what your book is about? The title should get to the point quickly and not be overly wordy. If necessary, you can add a subtitle to further convey details to complement the book title. For instance, if the book is part of a series, the subtitle should state it is part of that series so readers will know it is a new release in the series.
The Font/Text of the Book Title: When selecting the font size and text style for your book title and subtitle, if applicable, it should be easy to read. Make sure the background colors and images do not get lost. Even if you have an intriguing image to draw readers in, they still need to be able to read the title of the book.
Book Cover Design Layout: The design and layout of the front cover should incorporate a strong image and colors that reflect what your book is about. Basically, you are using the design to summarize the book into an image. You can incorporate your title into the image or use the image on its own. Do not forget to include your name on the front cover, as people will want to know who wrote the book.
Back Book Cover Layout: You want to design a back cover for your book as well. Even if you are publishing an eBook, readers will want to learn more about you and your book. The back cover is where you can include a short bio about yourself. This is also where you want to provide a summary or preview of your book. The summary or preview should draw readers in and act more like an advertisement. Last, if you have any reviews or endorsements, you can include these on the back cover as well.
The Book Spine: Do not overlook the design of the book spine even for eBooks. The spine should include the title of your book and your name. This way, when the book is “shelved” in an eBook reader app, it will be easy to locate and find.
To ensure your book cover, back cover, and spine design are seamless and exceptional to make a great first impression with readers, it is highly recommended to use a professional book cover maker like me, Lance Buckley.
To learn more about how I can help with you with your book cover design, please feel free to use my online contact form. I will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours. I look forward to working with you on creating a truly remarkable book cover for your book.